What we offer
We offer a range of wellness packages tailored to your unique objectives. Options include cardiovascular training, strength training, balance and stability training and functional fitness oriented plans. We offer short-term and long-term packages to match your desired level of commitment and availability, and, of course, we come to you prepared with everything needed to accomplish your goals.
Why work with us
Newport Coast Physical Therapy is able to offer a unique perspective on wellness by incorporating evidence-based practices, a deep knowledge of human anatomy and physiology and a program completely customized for your body. And all of this at the convenience of your home, office or desired training location.
There is a constantly evolving base of knowledge accumulated by scientific researchers. Working with a provider who is informed of the latest developments in medicine can help you reach your goals quickly and safely.
What to expect
A Doctor of Physical Therapy will:
Discuss your general fitness or sports performance goals
Evaluate your fitness level, health habits and current exercise routine
Develop a graded exercise program that will address your fitness goals and minimize your risk for injury
Monitor any medical conditions during training
Create a fun and positive environment to explore movement